Author Guidelines


All authors must register on the website and then submit their works to the Journal through the online submission portal. A double-blind peer review process is used for articles that are submitted for publication, and at least two reviewers typically read each submission. The Editor's decision is final. Articles must be original, have never been published before, and not be under consideration for publication in any other publication in their final form, either electronically or in print.

Please make sure your manuscript is formatted in compliance with the instructions on our website

Articles submitted to the Journal must be original, unpublished reports, a maximum of 4,000 words including references, excluding footnotes and abstracts. Please add 200 words for each picture/illustration/map/image (if applicable) to your word count. If the online system is not responsive, the manuscript can be sent via email to the editor. The manuscript must be submitted as a word document. Any opinions expressed in the Journal are those of the author and not necessarily those of the editor or publisher. Authors are personally responsible for obtaining permission to reprint previously published material. By sending the manuscript to the Journal, the author agrees to transfer copyright to the Journal and Publisher. Publishers are authorized to distribute submitted materials in print and electronic formats after thorough peer review and editorial processes.

All manuscripts must be submitted in English.

Tables and Figures should be included within the text, and the copy editor may rearrange them as needed. 5 keywords and an abstract of around 150-250 words should appear on the title page. The online submission of the submitted manuscript must also include full contact details, institutional affiliation, and acknowledgments. Less should be said about the introduction, literature review, and data unless they are absolutely necessary for the study. Manuscripts submitted to the Journal will not be returned. Manuscripts accepted for publication or published by the Journal cannot be distributed, reproduced or reprinted without prior permission from the Publisher.

Please submit the following:

When submitting online, please include your full information, contact information, postal address, association information (if applicable), and a brief biography. The APA referencing style is required for all articles. All references need to be included. Every reference to a book, article, or other source needs to be included in the text; these should include the year the source was published, the surname of the author, and, if required, the page numbering, for example, Sousa and Dias (2020 :39). If a source has many writers, for instance, list the names of the other two authors. (Colquitt, 2019; Ulrich, 2009, 2015), and et al., is used by more than two authors following the name of the primary author, for example, (Morkovkin, et al., 2020). For institutions, use abbreviations in the text. The acknowledgements section should come before the reference list in a footnote at the conclusion of the manuscript. Only the sources cited in the text should be included in the reference list, which should be published at the conclusion of the document. Authors and publishing years should be listed alphabetically for each item. Book and journal titles are not italicized. The end of the text should contain the reference list. Double-spaced and arranged alphabetically by the name of the author.

Please follow APA style for in-text references and a reference list at the end of your article:

Abba, M. T. (2018). Effects of training and development on employee retention in Bauchi State Metropolis Banks. Operational Research, 4(1), 24-39.

Ahrholdt, D. C., Gudergan, S. P., Ringle, C. M. (2019). Enhancing loyalty: When improving consumer satisfaction and delight matters. Journal of Business Research, 94(March 2017), 18–27. 8.040

Aleem, M., Bowra, Z. A. (2020). Role of training & development on employee retention and organizational commitment in the banking sector of Pakistan. Review of Economics and Development Studies, 6(3), 639-650.

Hunjra, A.I, Raza, H. and Munir, I.U (2014). The Role of Employee Retention and Employee Productivity on the Performance of Oil & Gas Sector of Pakistan. International Journal of Economics and Empirical Research, 2(11), 449-453.

Kundu, S. C., Gahlawat, N. (2016). Effects of employee retention practices on perceived firm and innovation performance. International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 19(1), 25-43.

Ulrich D., Kryscynski D., Ulrich M., Brockbank W (2017).Leaders as Paradox Navigators. Leader to Leader,

Usman M., Mat N.. (2016). Investigating the Link Between Knowledge Sharing and Innovation Capability. Journal of Technology and Operations Management 11(2), 58-67

Vallina A. S., Alegre J., Cabrales A. L (2021). The Challenge of Increasing Employees' Well-Being and Performance: How Human Resource Management Practices and Engaging Leadership Work together toward Reaching this Goal. Human Resource Management,,1-15. DOI: 10.1002/hrm.22021.

Watkins M. D (2017). HBR’s 10 Must Reads for New Managers, Boston, Massachusetts, Harvard Business Review Press

Weiner B. J (2020). Handbook on Implementation Science. A theory of organizational readiness for change,

Zeidan S., Itani N. (2020). HR Analytics and Organizational Effectiveness. International Journal on Emerging Technologies 11(2), 683-688.

Zakrzewska M., Jarosz S., Sołtysik M. (2020). The Core of Managerial Competences in Managing Innovation Projects, Scientific Papers of Silesian University of Technology, Organization and Management Series, 811-823,


The text needs to include illustrations. Figures should be used to refer to all graphs and diagrams, and they should all have numbers. The printed version of the journal will only be produced in one color, even though illustrations may be colored and shown in color for the online version. Additionally, tables need to be integrated within the text and given sequential numbers. The document shouldn't contain an excessive number of tables. Submissions that do not follow the aforementioned guidelines could be sent back for editing before being taken into consideration for publication. Policy for Editing Editorial staff members and/or outside reviewers filter and assess each paper that is submitted. We normally expect a judgment in one months after receiving the manuscript in the proper format. But since the review procedure is optional, it could take longer when things are hectic.



Editorial Policy

Editorial staff members and/or outside reviewers filter and assess each paper that is submitted. Regarding his choice, the referee is supposed to offer encouraging remarks. Upon receipt of the work in the proper format, we typically respond within a month. But since the review procedure is optional, it could take longer when things are hectic.


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Names and email addresses entered on this journal site will be used exclusively for the purposes of this journal and will not be provided for any other purpose or to any other party.