Reviewer Guide

Peer review in the International Journal of Management Knowledge Sharing (IJMaKS) is double blind. The editorial team screens all submitted articles before forwarding them to two reviewers if necessary. Ultimately, the editorial team decides whether to publish the work after considering the feedback from reviewers. This choice is final.

Peer review is conducted for research articles, letters, brief communications, case studies, reports, analyses, reviews, and viewpoints. At the editors' discretion, peer review may also be applied to all published corrections. Peer reviews are not typically applied to other contributions.

Our editorial team reviews each and every paper that is submitted. Reviews are only assigned to manuscripts that are most likely to satisfy our editorial standards. Without undergoing an external review, papers deemed by the editors to be unsuitable or lacking sufficient general interest are desk rejected. Submissions deemed worthy of our readers' attention are routed to a minimum of two reviewers. Based on the reviewers' recommendations, the editors then make a choice.

Reviewers are free to suggest a different course of action, but they should keep in mind that other reviewers on a given paper might have differing opinions and/or technical backgrounds, and the editors would have to decide between contradictory recommendations. Therefore, the most helpful reports give the editors the data they need to make an informed conclusion. Editors often find it more beneficial to lay out the reasons for and against publication than to receive a clear recommendation.

Our editors assess the quality of the arguments put out by the authors and reviewers, and they might also take into account additional data that neither side has access to. Our readers and the scientific community at large are our first priorities, and in determining how best to meet their needs, we must compare each paper's claims to those of the numerous others that are being considered. The critiques from reviewers are considered carefully, especially the technical ones.