BSI Mobile: Systematic Literature Review
BSI MobileAbstract
The increasingly rapid technological developments are being directly utilized by the banking industry, especially sharia banking, by creating digital product innovations. BSI Mobile is a digital product from Bank Syariah Indonesia which aims to facilitate customer transactions and provide information to customers through the features provided. In developing digital products provided by BSI, it provides conveniences that can be felt by customers and as a form of supporting the implementation of digital-based services. This research is a systematic literature review study which aims to determine the extent of a comprehensive study regarding BSI Mobile with a focus on preparing journals, final assignments such as theses, theses and dissertations. The method used consists of three stages, namely collection, assessment and presentation. Of the 19 studies that the author then filtered, only 2 studies were obtained that provided information that customer interest in using BSI Mobile was still relatively low so that there were still many customers who had not used BSI Mobile services when shopping in the marketplace and the research found how many customers did not understand how to use it. m-banking Meanwhile, 17 other studies showed positive results for BSI Mobile
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Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Syarif Nasution, Syafrizal Helmi Situmorang, Beby Karina Fawzeea Sembiring, Abd. Rasyid Syamsuri
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